Wednesday, 23 July 2014


                    THE BIG SLIDE                  
Last year in australia. Me my dad and grandad seen a really amazing looking water slide, i asked if we could go on it. Then dad said that we could i thought this will be fun. So we went up to the laide and found out how to go on and so we asked  and you had to be 45 kgs to go on and i was just 45 so i put the bored thing on so that we didn’t hurt our back or something and i was just over with it on so they let me on through. Then we walked up along the path and up to the first set of the high stairs. We went up from about half way i could see were the car we had was parked in the massive car park i thought it was pretty cool. But then when we got to the top i could see even more i got told to get in the container thing and cross my arms and put my hands on my shoulder and then the countdown from started. But then by the time i herd 1 i was a little sacred the the floor dropped i went flying through the tunnel. Then it was the loop and i got stuck i worried about what would happen and i riggled around a little and i slid back down i thought yay im free. Then i’m in the bath bit at the bottom i was pretty happy that i wasn’t stuck there in the tunnel with all the water in face i got up and told dad that i got stuck and he laughed at me and i did really think it was that funny. Then i put the bored back and went and got a drink.